A Huge Thank-You to Everyone

I just wanted to thank all of you who kept our family in your prayers for the past week or so. In case you have not heard, Baby Logan’s test results came back, and he is perfectly healthy! It was a very strange time for us - up and down like a roller coaster…so glad to have a new baby in the family, and then 10 days later to be worried that he could have a terrible affliction, finally to find out on Friday (a little over a week later) that he is healthy. What a strange time for us all. I can only imagine what Scott and Jessica (Logan’s parents) were going through. And again, Curt and I were reminded how difficult it is living far away from family members. We were also reminded that God hears prayers…He hears us when we cry out (just like we have been learning at New Hope the last two weeks)!

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