Chaos Takes Over

"The Baun Boys"
(ha ha ha)

Wow. It seems like forever since I last posted. You know how it goes…our holidays got chaotic, and then, we decided to go to Myrtle Beach for New Year’s, to meet our new grandson, Logan, and to spend holiday with Curt’s kids…all three of them.

In all the years that Curt and I have been a couple, I don’t remember any holiday where he has had all three of his kids together – and we’ve been together nearly 14 years. In fact, the last time we had them all together was for Scott and Jessica’s wedding several years ago.

We arrived in Myrtle Beach around 1:30 on New Year’s Eve. Ethan was napping, but we finally met Logan. I was so happy to finally rub his little head full of wild, dark hair. (Most of you know that since I first saw Logan’s picture, all I’ve wanted to do was rub that little head!) Even though we were tired from our trip, we stayed awake and celebrated the arrival of 2009 with Scott and Jessica.

The next day, New Year’s Day 2009, Curt enjoyed a poker game with Bill, Scott, and Cari. (Cari’s boyfriend, Victor, joined in later.) I was so happy for Curt to have this time with them. I don’t know if they realize what it meant to Curt for them to spend this time with him, even if it was only a couple of hours.

We spent the next couple of days just hanging out with Scott, Jessica, Ethan, Logan, and Cari (whenever she wasn’t working or sleeping, since she works nights). We even made it down to the beach for a short walk. You know me: I couldn’t be that close to the beach and not go for a walk, and I had never been to the beach in the winter.

Ethan warmed up to us a little more quickly this time. We were only there for 3 1/2 days (as opposed to 7 days last time), and Ethan was talking to us and even giving us hugs and kisses. Logan seemed to think that Grandpa was really funny. Curt seemed to be able to make Logan smile more than anyone!

We left on Sunday morning, before anyone else was even out of bed. We got home and spent the evening relaxing and reflecting on the wonderful time we had (despite the nasty wind during the drive down and the yucky weather driving home). Between Monday and Tuesday, we finally got our Christmas decorations down and put away.

There’s just so much more I could add, but I just realized that this is getting to be a long post. So, I’ll sign off by wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2009.

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