
I have been struggling with something over the past few days - I don’t understand how people can be completely closed-minded. I am currently reading and studying some books (thanks, Paul) that are…broadening my horizons, so to speak. My whole point in doing this is to make me more understanding of other people’s views. However, I have had comments made to me such as, “You’re being deceived.” I’ve even had offers from one who said that she would pray for me so that I’m not “led astray” by these views, which happen to differ from “the norm.”

Now, why would someone think that I’m being deceived or led astray just because I’m learning others’ points of view? Could it be because they are closed-minded? I don't really know.

Keep in mind that I never said that my reading/studying was changing my opinions and/or feelings on the particular subject. (Maybe when I’ve become more knowledgeable about the subject, I can feel confident to share it with you.)

I just feel that if I don’t understand where others are “coming from,” I cannot know where they are "going to." Does that make any sense?


Paul Dazet said...

Thanks for your honesty in your post.

Your comment on the "norm" is very interesting - premillennial is considered the "normal" understanding of end-times - only here is america. In the rest of the world it is not. For the first 1850 of church theology , premillennial is not. Most conservative theological scholars don't believe in the pre-millennial end-times doctrine. The disciples didn't believe in it.

So... who is being open-minded and close-minded.

I don't have this figured out. But one thing I do know.... this christian life is a journey - and God is helping me understand more and more each day as I open my life to his leading.

I am so thankful that you are traveling with me on the journey.

Erica said...

First, to clear up about my use of the word "norm" - that's why I put it in quotes. What may be the “norm" to some people is not the “norm” to others.

I think that I am doing a good job keeping my mind open to new ideas and new possibilities. However, I am finding...opposition (for lack of a better word). I am encountering people who are totally closed-minded, telling me that I shouldn’t even consider any other view that what they have been taught. Since I am rather new to all of this (going on several months, now), they feel that I can easily be led “astray” and be “deceived” - two words that were actually used in the conversation.

I don’t think that I’d even be doing this if God had not led me to this point.

Paul Dazet said...

I want you to know that I appreciate your authenticity by sharing your heart in the post/comment.

When I did my seminary studies, I was taught a certain way of thinking about God (theology). That particular way isn't bad, it is just a certain way at looking at things. Rarely did we discuss the historical context of Scripture (who/what/when/where/why/how). We were just taught to believe a certain way.

Today, as I study history (one of my favorite things to do) - I am learning that some of my earlier learnings are not quite correct. They weren't taught to me with ill intent, they just weren't correct in the original context.

Unfortunately very few people are open to studying the historical context, because it takes so much work/study. I am helping people at New Hope understand the history - and we are re-learning some things and people are being stretched. it takes us to be open-minded.

Please don't keep your mouth shut - I love your posts and I am enjoying the conversation!

vic said...

I had lunch with a friend yesterday and the topic of closed-mindedness came up (in a totally different context than you are speaking).

My friend pointed out that closed-mindedness leads to people missing out in life. On the other hand, if you can open yourself up-to be friends with someone different from you, to try something new, to learn about a differing perspective (that you may or may not end up agreeing with) - then you have the opportunity to experience all kinds of new things and learn all kinds of new concepts that you didn't even know were a part of life.

I am thankful for learning. I think that's a big part of what makes life interesting.

Thanks for posting!