When the Police Knock on Your Door...
So, I get home from work Tuesday to find Curt and Tom chatting in the kitchen. Crystal was expected to meet us about 15 minutes later. Curt explained that he had backed his car into the driveway and had Tom help him unload a large box and put it on the back porch. (Curt and I had picked up a rather large Christmas gift the day before, and we had left it in Curt's car.)
I went back to the bedroom to change clothes, and as I was coming back out, I saw Crystal pulling up, parking on the street with Tom’s vehicle. I let Crystal in, and we met the guys in the kitchen. After a few minutes of chatting, we decided to get on the road.
Crystal and I headed into the living room, only to find a police officer standing at the door, getting ready to knock! Before he could knock, I opened the door. He asked if I was the “homeowner,” so I said, “Yes.” (The first thing I thought was that, for some odd reason, he was going to tell us to move the cars that Tom and Crystal had parked on the street.) However, he said, “Your neighbor called and said that someone was breaking into your house. Can I come in and have a look around?” As I stepped back to let him in, I looked outside and saw 2 or 3 other officers in the front yard and 3 police cars on the street in front of the house.
As this was going on in the living room, Curt and Tom were still in the kitchen. Tom went to lock our back door and said to Curt, “Hey, there’s someone walking across your back yard.” When they went to look, there was a strong knock at the back door, which is when Crystal, the officer, and I walked into the kitchen. There was another officer (hand on his weapon) knocking at the back door. Tom unlocked the door to let him in...so, now we have two officers (not counting the ones still outside). Freaky!
We weren’t sure what was going on at this point. We headed back to the living room, and the first officer explained that a female neighbor “directly across the street” had called in that she saw someone trying to break into our house. He also said, “Although, we have reason to believe that she’s losing her mind.” We explained to him that our neighbor across the street wasn’t even home, so it couldn’t have been her calling. We thought that it must have been the elderly lady in the house diagonally across the street from us. He checked the address, and said, “Yep. That’s the house.”
By that time, the neighbors from two doors down were walking over to see if everything was okay, and I was nervous about leaving the house. Remember - We were about to leave for Cleveland and probably wouldn’t get home until after 11:00 PM. Did she simply mistake Curt and Tom for two people trying to break in or did she really see someone trying to break in? Who knows how long it was between the time she called and the time the police arrived? Maybe Curt and Tom has scared away whoever it was - if there was someone. It was nice to know, however, that the members of the neighborhood are watching out for each other! With this in mind, we went on our way, with our other neighbor promising to keep an eye on things.
Despite the rough start to our evening, we had a good time, and the Lake Erie Monsters won the game, beating the Grand Rapids Griffins (the Detroit Red Wings affiliate team) by a score of 6 to 2. What an evening!
"Scripture Memory made easy" - HA!
I was motivated to memorize scripture for several reasons. First, I could recall a verse that said something about hiding the word in my heart. After some research, I found it, and it actually reads, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11 NIV) I also wanted to have scripture easily accessible to share Jesus with others.
So, I started out with the recommended two verses a week. I found that I could usually learn the verse pretty easily, but the reference (book, chapter, and verse) was throwing me off. Then, the more I added on, the harder it got.
A couple of weeks ago (week 20 in the plan), I made a decision. I am not going to worry about memorizing 100 verses in a year. Instead, my plan is to learn each verse instead. I felt that it would be better for me to read the surrounding verses - sometimes even the whole chapter - to determine what that verse actually meant and how it should be used. So, I am now not only using note cards (as the guide has me doing), but I am also keeping a notebook that shows the verse, the context of the chapter, any special notes (from my study Bible), and my own observations, such as how I can apply that principle, subject, topic, etc. to my own way of living. After starting the more in-depth learning of the verses, I found that I really only knew about half of them.
Now, I am spending more time in the Word nearly every day, whether it’s studying my note cards, reading the surrounding verses, or reading the study notes. I am also able to see more clearly how I can apply the Word to my life - and hopefully share it with others!
Need Some Input!
Lunch costs $5. Steve, Dave, and John are all having lunch from the same place. So, Dave borrows $10 from his office's petty cash for lunch. Steve puts in another $10 to cover his lunch, and Jack puts in $5 for himself. (Jack now has $25 for 3 lunches, which total $15.) Dave replaces the $10 that he borrowed petty cash. Dave got no change back, so is he getting ripped off? Dave is told that he gets no change because he started out with nothing anyway.
I say that he is, but I could be totally off base. I'm so confused!!!!!!!!!
For those who have asked about my job...
I should probably provide a little bit of background information. I work for an insurance brokerage office, which specializes in commercial insurance for one major client. (We actually have two clients in our office, but one is really, really small compared to the other one.) There are 12 full-time and 2 part-time people in our office, all of us serving the one major client.
Earlier in the year, we started having problems with the smaller client. I won’t go into details, but I will say that there is the possibility that we will not have this client much longer (after December 1). Just recently, issues have surfaced with the "major" client, and we are not sure where we stand with them, either. (They are to renew on November 1.) Of course, all of this is "rumor."
My immediate supervisor is concerned, which makes me concerned. She even went so far as to tell me to update my resume. Scary!
I’m not really concerned about my job, but I am concerned about our healthcare benefits (which I carry for us). As a secretary, I shouldn’t have much trouble finding a job. (I’ve looked, and there are several out there right now.) The only problem could be the fact that I am an experienced secretary (with 20 years experience, 13 with the same boss), and many employers would rather hire someone with less experience to avoid paying higher salaries. Plus, I have accumulated 3 weeks vacation time, and lots of sick and personal time, which I would not be able to take with me. Oh, and there’s the wardrobe factor. I have worked in a casual atmosphere for so long that I don’t have the clothes required to work in a regular business setting!
Anyway, I am not going to let this bother me right now. I have too much fun stuff coming up in the next couple of weeks. Just keep me in mind if you hear of any openings for an experienced secretary with a strong marketing background.
To Go or Not To Go
There has been a lot of talk on Facebook lately about my high school reunion that’s coming up later this year. I have bounced back and forth about whether or not I should go. I’ve caught up with many classmates on Facebook, and there are some that I look forward to seeing again. However, there are a few that I’m not as excited about seeing...one in particular who I think could make the whole evening very emotional for me.
I don’t know if Eric will be there or not, but after all of my attempts to contact him (see my previous blogs on the subject here and here), it may be very difficult for me if he is there. I’m not going to worry about it too much, since I don’t even know if he’ll be there. In addition, I think that getting together with the few friends I really want to see outweighs seeing Eric.
So, I still sit here debating - to go or not to go to my 20th high school reunion.
Skating again...hesitantly
So, I took the skates out of the bag and tried them again, hoping that it was just a break-in issue. Unfortunately, the more I worked with them, the worse they hurt my feet. I figured that since I gained so much weight, my feet spread, and maybe I should just go have the boots stretched from a regular width to a wide width. So, I called the local boot and leather shop, and they assured me that it would be no problem, and it would only cost me $4.80. Wow! That’s a lot cheaper than buying new boots for my skates! So, right before we left for Nationals, I dropped off my skates to be stretched.
After we returned, I picked up my boots and headed to the rink with excitement that I haven’t felt in quite a while. I put the boots on and was quite disappointed - they didn’t feel any different than they had before. That was it! I was done! I’m giving it up. Who needs skating anyway?
Then, Curt mentioned a friend that had a size 6 for sale. He suggested that I contact her, but I protested saying that a 6 would be way too big, since my boots were only a 5. Well, I finally broke down and emailed her about the skates. (I had talked to her about buying them before, but I backed out, since I thought the boot stretching would work.)
On Saturday morning, I went to the rink to try the skates. It was strange wearing someone else’s skates, but overall, they fit better than mine did. I skated for a while - with Curt close by if not attached to my hip because I was quite nervous. To make a long story short, Curt and I talked, and we decided that I should buy them.
I wore them again yesterday for a while, and I’ll wear them again tonight. The only thing that needs done to them is cutting the boot down, but I’ll have that done while the rink is closed down next month. This may be another small step to help me get myself back into shape! Hey, maybe we’ll even skate competitively again in the future...the very distant future (so don’t get your hopes up). Right now it’s just one little step at a time...with skates on!
Forget the Olympics, Let's Just Get Ourselves Together!
I just recently returned from the National Championships, and I have to say that I was really disappointed. Now, I first have to say that we were there for the “Adult” portion of the championships. (The “Youth” and “Elite” were held the previous week and a half.) Now, let me explain what disappointed me.
First, were the “ringers.” Do you know what a ringer is? The “informal” definition is “somebody or something fraudulently substituted in a competition.” The adult divisions include “B” events, which were originally supposed to be for beginners or skaters who are new to the sport. This year, the rules were changed by the powers that be, and skaters who had never placed at Nationals were allowed to return to the “B” events - despite Regional placements or years in competition. Therefore, you had teams/skaters who have been skating for years in the upper divisions returning to the lower divisions and blowing the new skaters away. So then, when you go to Nationals, you see all the same skaters that you saw before...because all of the new skaters were left in the dust, back home. If you didn’t have a ringer leaving people at home, it was probably because the events were too small, and they had to send everyone who skated to Nationals.
Okay, so now, we’re at Nationals. We’re watching a “B” division elimination in “prime time,” while some of the “A” division final events are being held at 6:00 in the morning. What’s up with that? And figures in the afternoon? Who has ever wanted to watch figures at 2:00 in the afternoon? Figures have always been first thing in the morning, except at Nationals.
Then, there has been a tradition (at least, since I’ve been going Nationals) that for finals during dance events (which, in case you don’t know, usually consists of 6 or 8 skaters/teams performing three dances), the crowd stands during the last dance to cheer for all of the competitors. It’s always been fun and exciting - especially when you’re skating in that event. You’re usually so tired, but the crowd always pumps you up on that last dance. When the announcer announced it, so many people in the crowd (if you could call it a crowd) ignored it. In fact, I even heard someone behind me say, “Why don’t these people just sit down? It’s not like the event is that good.”
Finally, there were the attitude issues. Some examples I witnessed included a coach telling a skater, “Now, don’t you dare take off that medal before you come off the floor.” (Skaters are awarded medals for first through fourth place, and they have to skate the entire length of the floor to the podium and then skate back.) The skater was (apparently) disappointed with the placement awarded! I skated Nationals several times, and I would have been happy with any medal! Another incident was when I heard one coach say, “Well, the judges just don’t know what they’re looking at.” Now, I may disagree with the judges, but I don’t ever tell a skater that the judges don’t know what they’re doing. (I have to say that the judging this year at both Regionals and Nationals, in my opinion, was a bit off, but then again, I’m not a judge.)
I think that many of our skaters and coaches have become spoiled. Instead of working to improve, let’s just fight to add another event...or let’s implement a sliding scale. (For those who don’t know, skaters/teams used to need a placement of first, second, or third to go to Nationals. That wasn’t enough, so they added fourth to the list. That still wasn’t quite enough, so now it depends on the number of people skating the event. The more skaters skating, the more skaters qualify for Nationals. Skaters have become accustomed to winning their local meets/competitions, so they think that they should automatically get a placement at Nationals. At least, that how it seems to me.
My whole point is that we need to start concentrating on building the sport, not getting into the Olympics. We need to concentrate on making our sport better, more entertaining, highlighting the best of the best, not just making new events or implementing sliding scales so more people can go to Nationals. Nationals has become a joke - it seems - to many skaters (and coaches). They no longer appreciate what the National Championships are all about! Maybe they should have skated “back in the day” when there were only 12 events to choose from, and you were either good enough or you weren’t - you either skated what was available or you didn't skate. Maybe they should have skated when I started...you could only skate the beginner levels for three years, and then you had to move - regardless of placement. You either worked your butt off to get better, or you were left in the dust.
Wow, this has really gotten loooooooong! I guess I’m getting frustrated because I’m actually trying to get back into things. I’m getting my skates back tonight, and I’m hoping to get some students going for next season. Okay...I’m going to shut up now! Until next time...
June 2009 Update
It has been crazy around the Baun residence lately!
As usual, this time of year, things have been really busy. First, there was all the time spent watching the Stanley Cup Finals at the beginning of the month. Then, Curt and I have season tickets to the Mahoning Valley Thunder (AF2 Football), and we had two games in two weeks. Usually they are spaced out a little more than that. On June 19, we took a friend and her son (who I think is now 7 years old) to see one of the games. It was actually the best game of the year! The game on the 27th was Fireworks Night, so we got home a little later than usual.
Then, between the two Thunder games, we had the Great Lakes Regional Roller Skating Championships in Romeoville, Illinois. Obviously, Curt and I were not skating, but Curt had students that were. Out of the three entries (four students skating - two solo and one team), one solo skater qualified for the National Championships in August. So, on August 7, we will be heading to Peoria, Illinois for the National Championships.
Then yesterday, Sunday, June 28, was a big day for me. I was baptized. It was such an amazing experience, and I don’t even know how to begin to describe it…so I won’t. (LOL) I’ll just say that it was so great to have Curt there, in the water with me (pictures on FB), and to have my parents there, as well as Bill, Amy, and Matthew. After church, we went to eat with my parents. We got to spend a little time with Matthew later in the afternoon, and we visited with long-time family friends at Curt’s parents’ house. It was such an awesome day that I didn’t want it to end!
However, here it is…Monday…and I’m back at work.

He was just a little boy,
On a week's first day.
Wandering home from Bible school,
And dawdling on the way.
He scuffed his shoes into the grass;
He even found a caterpillar.
He found a fluffy milkweed pod,
And blew out all the 'filler.'
A bird's nest in a tree overhead,
So wisely placed up so high.
Was just another wonder,
That caught his eager eye.
A neighbour watched his zig zag course,
And hailed him from the lawn;
Asked him where he'd been that day
And what was going on.
'I've been to Bible School ,'
He said and turned a piece of sod.
He picked up a wiggly worm replying,
'I've learned a lot about God.'
'M'm very fine way,' the neighbour said,
'for a boy to spend his time.'
'If you'll tell me where God is,
I'll give you a brand new dime.'
Quick as a flash the answer came!
Nor were his accents faint.
'I'll give you a dollar, Mister,
If you can tell me where God ain't.'
Have a great week!
I can feel the Lord working…
Now, I’m not saying that every day I wake up feeling good and ready to jump feet first into whatever I encounter. No…that’s not it at all. There are just things that I cannot explain away with “simple” logic. Let me give you a huge example, one that has really just hit home with me today.
Recently at New Hope, we were going through a series on recovery from our addictions, hang-ups, etc. I kept trying to figure out what my hang-up was. I conquered my smoking addiction a while ago, so that couldn’t be it. Could it? No, because when I say I conquered it is because I finally had no more temptation to pick up a cigarette. Could my hang-up be overeating or eating too much junk. Yeah, that could be it, but I like just as many healthy foods as I do junk foods, and I’ve really been doing well at controlling the junk-food cravings and eating healthier foods. Could it be laziness? I don’t do nearly enough physical activity, and it is causing me some health issues. Yeah, I suppose that could be it, too.
There were so many things that I thought could be a hang-up, but I felt that it was a hopeless situation to try to pinpoint just one on which to focus my efforts. I kept asking the question: Why is it so easy to get addicted to bad things, like smoking or drugs, yet it is so difficult to get addicted to things that are good for you, like eating right and exercising? What’s up with that?
How quickly things have changed for me! I prayed about these things during the recovery teaching series at New Hope, and I was getting frustrated that I couldn’t find my answer. Then, about a week after the series ended, it hit me! I finally pinpointed one thing that could really improve my life and the lives of those around me. I realized that my biggest hang-up (right now, anyway) is being lazy. Now, that may not sound like a major thing to most people, but it is a major thing with me. I don’t want to do anything. I go home, eat dinner, and sit around doing nothing. Sure, once in a while I clean a little, do dishes, work outside, but not nearly like I should…and my health is seriously paying the price. I have gained a lot of weight, which is causing problems with my breathing and my blood pressure, not to mention my sore feet from carrying all this extra weight. My doctor actually told me last year that if I don’t lose some weight and bring down my BP, it will kill me. It's also keeping me from skating with Curt, from getting more involved in teaching skating, and from playing with the kids in our lives.
Okay…so I found my hang-up. Now, what do I do about it? I still was not motivated. Instead of actually doing something, I would sit and think, “I should be…”
One morning, I said to Curt as he was leaving for work, “I found my hang-up, and it’s laziness. Have to stop being lazy, get off my butt, and do things. I’ll start by moving the Wii so I can do the Wii Fit more often.” He leaned over, kissed me, and said, “Well then, do it!”
That’s all it took! It seems like I actually had to tell someone about my hang-up before anything started working. I moved the Wii, and I’ve been doing some Wii Fit Yoga, aerobics, and balance games every day. I started about two weeks ago now, and I could only do two Yoga poses, one or two balance games, and about 10 minutes of aerobics (about 15 minutes total). I didn’t even think about the strength training exercises! Now, I’m up to 4 Yoga poses, 20 minutes of aerobics, and three balance games, about 30 minutes total. (I’m still not even thinking about the strength training. I’ll save that until next month since my muscles are sore enough as it is!)
I’m feeling motivated like I never have before. I no longer feel like I have to do this; I want to do this. I feel that the Lord has some plans for me, and this was another step…getting my body back into shape. (The first step was the conquering of the smoking habit…not the quitting part, the conquering part! Maybe sometime, I’ll explain that better, but this is already getting really long!)
I realize that I have other hang-ups, faults, addictions, etc., but I just keep thinking about the saying I’ve seen many times and in many places over the years, “Please be patient. God isn’t finished with me yet.” I truly feel Him working in my life right now, and I can’t wait to see where He leads me next!
FINAL Follow-Up to "I Did Something Crazy!"
I am quite disappointed. I have had three dear friends in this life…I have re-established relationships with two of them (Matt and Laura), but apparently, re-establishing a relationship with Eric is not meant to be.
Matt and I have known each other for nearly 20 years. We went through a few years of not talking to each other at all (long story), but we put all that behind us, and we’ve been friends now for many years. I’m confident that we will remain friends for many more years to come. As for Laura, it’s great to have her around again. We were never the best at keeping in touch, but we’ve now established the understanding that we may not always communicate, but we are always there if needed. She’s truly one of my dearest friends, and it really helps that she lives so close to me now!
I am hoping that these friendships will continue to change and grow. Nevertheless, I have to say that I am saddened by not hearing from Eric. I just have to resign myself to the fact that I have done my part. I have tried, but it just did not work out as I had hoped. I don’t know what mistakes I made with Eric, but I will try my best to never let anything like this happen with any of my other friends.
I was really hoping that I would hear something…anything…from him…
Our Wonderful Weekend
What made the weekend so wonderful, you might ask. Well, in case you didn’t already know it, Scott (Curt’s son), Jessie (Scott’s wife), Ethan (our grandson), and Logan (our grandson, Ethan’s brother) drove from their home in Myrtle Beach to visit the family here in Ohio. It was the weekend of Matthew’s second birthday party. (Matthew is our grandson who lives locally.) For the first time, the gang stayed with us at our house. (We finally had a bedroom for them to stay in, thanks to all the remodeling we’ve done!)
It was so much fun!
We did lots of things in the few days we had together. We (Curt and I) visited with them ourselves. On Friday, we took them to visit with Curt’s parents, which was the first time Curt’s parents got to see their newest great-grandchild, Logan. We stopped by my office so the girls at work could see the kids in person, instead of just photos. Then, on Saturday, after a lovely morning together, we met up again at Matthew’s birthday party. It was so much fun to see all the kids playing together and watching Ethan flirt with the adorable little girls (all sisters) at the party. On Sunday, we had the Bauns and the Ottersons/Currys over to our house to spend some time with everyone. My mom even came into town early to go to church with me at New Hope. (She really enjoyed it, which also made me very happy.) Since we didn’t get to spend Easter with Ethan and Logan, we did an Easter-egg hunt for Ethan on Sunday. Jake (our nephew) and Megan (our niece) helped him hunt for his eggs and open them all when he was finished. We played outside, playing hockey (the older “kids”), swinging on the swing, and blowing bubbles. After the Otterson/Curry crew headed back to PA, we took everyone over to see “Aunt Jennifer’s” new house. After the tour of the new house, it was a quick stop at the store and then home to crash.
On Monday morning, the fun ended when they packed up to go back to Myrtle Beach. They left early in the morning, before Curt and I had to go to work. It was fun while it lasted, and I can’t wait to do it again.
I told Curt that I think it’s our turn to go there…to the sunny south…but I don’t know if I can talk him into it or not. All I can do is try.
I’d love to write out everything that went on, just so I can look back on it one day and remember. I just don’t have the time, right now. Maybe I will be able to do it over the next few days and/or weeks. It was just such a wonderful time, and I wanted to share it with everyone!
Follow-Up to "I did something crazy!"
I think I’ll give it a few more days - maybe a week - before I give up completely.
I did something crazy!
I wrote a letter to Eric (aka Carlos). Carlos was my best friend from sixth grade all the way through college and beyond. He stuck by me through some really tough stuff; we were always together. When we started college (at BC3), I used to give him a ride every day. Then, when he transferred to Slippery Rock, I would pick him up on Fridays to bring him home. When I started skating in 1993, he would go with me just so I didn’t have to go alone. He’d sit in the snack bar or a corner somewhere and read.
Now, I’m not really sure what happened, but as sometimes happens with friends, we grew apart. I moved to Boardman and eventually got married. He is still in Butler, and that’s about all I know anymore.
The last communication (email) I can find from him was in December 2007. I’ve tried emailing several times, but I haven’t had a response since that one in 2007. (In that last email, he mentioned that he was having trouble with his email, so he may have a new email address.) I tried sending a text message to his cell phone, but I never got a response either. (Just so you know, I hesitate to call since I do not know what kind of schedule he keeps.) I finally decided that, as my last attempt, I would write him a letter and mail it to the last known address that I have.
I first got the urge to contact him around the Holidays. In addition, some of the messages at New Hope over the past months have been about relationships and fixing broken ones. This is one relationship that I would really like to fix. Plus, as some of you may know, Carlos and I were both really into Star Trek, and with the new Trek movie coming out, I think about him even more often. I have never had another friend like him, and I don’t know that I ever will.
We’ll just wait and see what happens if/when he receives the letter. What a crazy move, huh?
General Life Update
Curt and I are still remodeling. We started with the bathroom (about 2 years ago). We have four bedrooms in our house, but only one of them had a bed in it! So, we started with the smallest room, which we made into an office (with the computers and digital piano). Then, we moved on to the guest bedroom, which we finished a few weeks ago. We then moved all of the stuff from the master bedroom into the guest bedroom, and we are now finishing the painting in the master bedroom. I am so tired of the smell of paint! I really hope to be done with the painting within the next 36-48 hours. I can’t take it any more! LOL
We found out last week that Scott, Jessica, Ethan, and Logan will be coming to visit in April, for Matthew’s second birthday! We are so excited, and we are counting down the days! They should be arriving sometime on Friday, April 17 and heading home on Monday, April 20. Matthew’s birthday party is on Saturday, April 18, so we’re planning to spend all day on Sunday with Scott, Jessica, and the boys. This will be the first time that most of the family will get to meet Logan. Bill, Amy, Matthew, Curt, and I are the only ones who have met Logan. I just can’t wait for Curt’s family and my family to meet him, too.
I had a friend who is experienced with eBay sell my old synthesizer for me. I never thought that I would part with my old Roland Juno-106, but I finally did it. It wasn’t easy, but my new digital piano is so cool, and my old Roland just sat in the closet. Out with the old…
I have decided that I’m sick of being fat and out of shape. However, with every evening being spent painting, it’s been tough to do much about it, other than watching what I eat. That doesn’t seem to be doing much, so I decided that I wanted to start walking again. I love walking! It gives me time to think, pray, and spend time outside. The problem is that no one wants me to walk by myself (for safety reasons). So, I found a partner to walk with me. Unfortunately, she was only able to go with me once last week – which I guess is better than nothing – and with our painting and remodeling going on, I don’t have much time to do it either. I’ll keep you posted on this whole situation as it progresses (or doesn't progress – lol)!
Finally, the Mahoning Valley Thunder games started again last Friday. (In case you didn’t know, that is the local Arena 2 Football team.) We got our season tickets again, although we changed from where we were last year. The first game was great, and I can’t wait to go to the next one!
I would really enjoy hearing what’s going on with all of you. Please drop me a note, even if it’s just to say, “HI.”
Until next time...Take care!
Another Example (Follow-up from Yesterday)
In my post yesterday, I made a comment about someone in our office making fun of another "for fun." Well, here is an example of what goes on:
The abuser walked in the door this morning and looked at his favorite target. He told her, "...for the next ten minutes, I won't even tease you about your stupid hair or about being fat. I'll give you ten minutes." (No, this is NOT an exaggeration!)
When she was pregnant, the abuser would call her fat, fatso, chubbo, etc. I finally said to him one day, "You know...that baby can hear everything you say." He apologized but continued to do it, adding in a nice tone of voice, "I don't mean you, baby; I mean your mother."
Why does she put up with it? I asked her about it yesterday, and she just shrugged and said, "He'll see, someday, when I lose the baby weight...then he can kiss my non-fat butt."
If that stuff was directed at me, I'd be a total basket case (instead of just a semi-basket case).
Stuff Really Does Flow Down Hill!
First of all, there are two sayings that I have heard most of my life, and I’m finding out that they are both completely true! The first saying is “Stuff Flows Down Hill.” (Of course, I substituted the word “Stuff.”) There are two of us at the bottom of the hill in our office, and it seems like we are the two that have to put up with the most crap! It feels like when anyone needs to take out their frustrations, needs someone to blame for something, or has a job that they don’t want to do, these duties are always passed off to us. It doesn't seem to matter if we are qualified to do it or not.
For example, I was given my employee evaluation a short time ago. I was told that I have a tendency to “give people attitude” when they bring me work to complete. So, when I asked for an example, I was given one. Basically, what happened was someone asked me to train a new employee on a task that I do not regularly perform. I said that I would train the new employee, but that there was someone better qualified to train the new employee if they were willing to wait 15 to 20 minutes until she returned to the office. Waiting was, apparently, unacceptable, so I ended up trying to train the new employee. Over the course of my attempt to train, I screwed up three times and had to explain to her to “scratch that” and “do it this way instead.” Now, if they had just waited a few more minutes, the other person (who does this all the time) could have trained the new employee…and probably been far less confusing than I was!
However, because I simply suggested that someone else was better qualified to train a new employee, I was “giving attitude.” Well, if that is giving attitude, I guess I’m guilty.
What bothers me is that, apparently, it is okay for co-workers and associates to treat the peons (my one co-worker and me who share the bottom of the hill) with disrespect and give us attitude, but we are expected to just sit back and take it. I work in, what I consider, a rather hostile environment. Yet I am expected to deal with people using foul language (and I’m talking seriously offensive stuff), people insulting co-workers because they think it’s funny (really mean stuff about hair, weight, appearances), people slamming doors, people throwing things (telephone, staplers, etc.)…and that's only part of it! It doesn't seem to matter that we can be insulted or offended, and we have to deal with it, while if we inadvertently offend someone or don't react in a way that they deem appropriate, we have to pay the consequences (in our yearly evaluations).
Those of us at the bottom really do seem to catch all the "stuff!"
As for the second saying, that would be: “The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer.” Now, I’m not saying that I’m poor, but we are definitely on the lower end of the income scale. Our company advised that corporately, no one would be given raises this year – which is totally understandable in this economy!
A few weeks later, we were advised that our division was awarded some extra money – due to our divisions exceptional performance in 2008 – and discretionary bonuses would be awarded to employees. After getting everyone all excited, we were then told that not everyone would get the bonuses and they would be based on our performance reviews.
After being told about the bonuses, my evaluation was reopened and adjusted to give me a 2.5 because of my attitude issues (see above). (Unfortunately, I don’t know what I was ranked before it was re-opened, since it had not yet been discussed with me.) I also found out that my co-worker who shares the bottom of the heap with me also scored “below 3” on her evaluation. Of course, bonuses were only awarded to those who scored 3 or higher on their evaluations…imagine that.
Now, I have been with this company for nearly five years and I have always scored 3 or higher on my evaluation (5 = superhero, 4 = hero, 3 = you do your job and do it well, 2 = you don’t do your job well, 1 = why are you even here?). Funny that it changed this year, huh?
I'm not angry or upset that I did not get a bonus or a raise. I am angry and upset that my evaluation was changed, which is now part of my permanent employment record. In addition, I am really upset because some of those in this office that deserved the bonuses did not get them - such as my co-worker who shares the bottom with me. If anyone deserves a bonus, she does!
Is corporate America screwed up, or is it just my perception looking up from the bottom?
Roller Proposal for the Olympic Games
However, there is currently a proposal on the table to get Roller Skating into the Olympics - AGAIN. (You can see the video proposals here.) These proposal videos are mostly geared toward the speed skating discipline, although there are some shots of the other aspects of skating - which are really cool shots! It really is a great, inexpensive, unique, safe sport to participate in - no matter what your age. In fact, Curt and I have even talked about getting back into competition (after I get my butt back into shape - if that's even possible).
Anyway, I doubt that roller skating will EVER get into the Olympics, but I will still do what I can to raise awareness of the sport, which is why I'm posting this here! Thanks for taking a moment to check it out.
I should just keep my mouth shut, but...
I read a news story today that really upset me. I don’t usually get into debating governmental or political stuff, but this one really made me wonder where this country is headed. (Read the story here.)
Apparently, our President has declared a state of emergency in Washington DC for the President-Elect’s inauguration! Why does this bother me? It bothers me because this event is already costing $15,000,000 in federal funds, and declaring a state of emergency allows the District to tap into FEMA funds, if needed. Apparently, they want to have the funds available in case they need assistance protecting the public, since their current resources could be expended due to the large crowds expected.
I realize that this is a historic event, and I realize that there is much excitement, high energy, and many expectations surrounding it. However, does the government really need to spend that much money (with the option of tapping into more) when so many people all over the nation are losing homes, jobs, etc. due to our economy’s downslide? With the state of our economy, I don’t see how anyone can justify spending that much money on a party...and that’s really what it is.
Whatever the reasoning behind it, I still think it's crazy. Not that I think $15,000,000 would really change our economy, but it would sure buy a lot of food!
Changing my Thinking
Now, for those of you who know me, you know that I love to read. Those of you who don’t know me now know that I love to read. However, I’ve recently been having trouble finding the time to read as much as I would like. For example, a few weeks ago, some members of our church started daily lectionary readings. I started out doing well, but then soon fell behind in the readings.
Now, after receiving these two books for Christmas, I have more reading to do. The Purpose Driven Life is meant to be read over a period of 40 days - one chapter per day. Then I have the daily lectionary readings - approximately five separate but short reading per day.
I talked to Curt last night and told him that I have made up my mind that I am going to do this. I need to take time each day to read and then reflect on what I have read. Although Curt isn’t a reader, he agreed to discuss what I read each day, if I want to. It always helps me to have someone to discuss these things - a partner, so to speak. I started The Purpose Driven Life on Monday, and I gave Curt a bit of a run-down last night of what the first two chapters were about. I plan to re-start the lectionary readings on Sunday (since the church bulletin lists the readings for the week on the back, and I missed church last week since we were on our way home from Myrtle Beach).
After my first three days of The Purpose Drive Life, I am finding that I’m already starting to ask myself some serious questions. There is a “Question to Consider” for day one that asks, “In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?” This question has been on my mind since I read it three days ago. I’m not even looking at it regarding “advertising.” This seems to be an “everything” deal. In everything…how do I remind myself that it’s about God and his plan, not me and mine? I’ve been told most of my life that I can do whatever I want to do, whatever I set my mind to…that kind of thing. Now I have to start retraining myself.
So, I’ve been thinking now for three days. How do I remind myself to put God first? What do I need to do to adjust my thinking? I am reminded of a line in a movie where the character talks about having to remind himself every day to get out of bed, breathe in and out, etc., but then he says that eventually, he will no longer have to remind himself to do these basic things.
Will it be the same way with this? After so much time spent trying to put God and His plan first, will it eventually become automatic? This is a whole new way of thinking for me!
I will probably be posting many questions like this as I go through these readings. Sometimes it helps me to type it all out and read through what I have written. Other times, it just makes me more confused. Feel free to add your input; I’m always open to suggestions!
Chaos Takes Over
In all the years that Curt and I have been a couple, I don’t remember any holiday where he has had all three of his kids together – and we’ve been together nearly 14 years. In fact, the last time we had them all together was for Scott and Jessica’s wedding several years ago.
We arrived in Myrtle Beach around 1:30 on New Year’s Eve. Ethan was napping, but we finally met Logan. I was so happy to finally rub his little head full of wild, dark hair. (Most of you know that since I first saw Logan’s picture, all I’ve wanted to do was rub that little head!) Even though we were tired from our trip, we stayed awake and celebrated the arrival of 2009 with Scott and Jessica.
The next day, New Year’s Day 2009, Curt enjoyed a poker game with Bill, Scott, and Cari. (Cari’s boyfriend, Victor, joined in later.) I was so happy for Curt to have this time with them. I don’t know if they realize what it meant to Curt for them to spend this time with him, even if it was only a couple of hours.
We spent the next couple of days just hanging out with Scott, Jessica, Ethan, Logan, and Cari (whenever she wasn’t working or sleeping, since she works nights). We even made it down to the beach for a short walk. You know me: I couldn’t be that close to the beach and not go for a walk, and I had never been to the beach in the winter.
Ethan warmed up to us a little more quickly this time. We were only there for 3 1/2 days (as opposed to 7 days last time), and Ethan was talking to us and even giving us hugs and kisses. Logan seemed to think that Grandpa was really funny. Curt seemed to be able to make Logan smile more than anyone!
We left on Sunday morning, before anyone else was even out of bed. We got home and spent the evening relaxing and reflecting on the wonderful time we had (despite the nasty wind during the drive down and the yucky weather driving home). Between Monday and Tuesday, we finally got our Christmas decorations down and put away.
There’s just so much more I could add, but I just realized that this is getting to be a long post. So, I’ll sign off by wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2009.